As shown, our SofieLite™can be fit into the aircraft without compromise and offers exceptional cooling at low-cost. There is minimal cargo space occupied by the unit and it can be taken out in minutes for when it is not needed. An inspection panel is utilized to help exhaust heat from the tail and a fresh air intake scoop can be added to increase cooling performance in flight.

The Sofie™ is shown in the cabin of a Shrike Commander.

The SofieLite™ can be connected to overhead ducting to distribute cooling, as shown on this Baron.
The Sofie™ is shown in the cabin of an Astar helicopter. Various options are available to mount the heat dissipator module and fan.

All of Our Units are Designed with Safety and Ease-of-Use in Mind
All of our systems are all electric which allows the systems to be ran without engine power from a GPU to precool your aircraft on the ground. Our systems are software-based which provides automatic features. In low voltage conditions, the unit will automatically scale back the power consumption to restore the voltage. If the low voltage condition persists, the unit powers down. If the unit is overheating it will automatically scale down to a lower power setting, allowing the condenser to catch up to the heat load. The system will automatically return to the original power setting once the temperature is normalized. These are some of the many features included with our units that allows you to have peace of mind while operating the system.

US patent 9,617.005, 11,661,199 B2 others, pending
The SofieLite™ is an electric all-in-one air conditioner for smaller aircraft. It does not have the liquid interface of the standard Sofie™. SofieLite™ is positioned just forward of the aft cabin bulkhead. Outside cooling air comes from a scoop mounted on tail, which is not required but does increase performance. The hot air is exhausted through the rear bulkhead. The total system is 35 pounds. SofieLite™ comes both in 12 and 24 VDC versions. The unit has a built-in condensate pump. This unit is controlled with 9 foot extension remote control shows the digital battery buss voltage. Ducts can be attached to the flanges to position the cold air flow. Can not be used on pressurized aircraft. The SofieLite™ System is not FAA certified. It is intended as a non-permanent installation that is removed from the aircraft for annual inspections and is subsequently replaced in the aircraft when needed.

US patent 9,617.005, 11,661,199 B2, others pending
The Sofie™ uses patented liquid technology to remove the heat from the cabin to a heat exchanger in the aft fuselage of the aircraft by means of two 3/8 inch hoses. The main unit can be placed anywhere in the forward cabin. The Sofie™ system module goes anywhere in the aircraft cabin where cooling is most needed. Two adjustable vents at the top of the Sofie™ Module direct cool air flow direction. Since there is no cool air ducting, the system is very efficient and provides the cooling capacity of larger systems. The air conditioner capacity and current draw is continuously adjustable to meet the requirement of most aircraft electrical systems, from single engine piston to turbine aircraft. A Scoop is recommended for this unit. Can be used on pressurized aircraft. The Sofie™ System is not FAA certified. It is intended as a non-permanent installation that is removed from the aircraft for annual inspections and is subsequently replaced in the aircraft when needed.